Friday, January 27, 2017

Week of January 29 2017: Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged

Follow the journey on twitter @SeattleNStakeRS

Dear Sisters,

Welcome to our journey for the week of January 29 2017!

Read: 3 Nephi 13-16 and Our Heritage pages 99-104 (also attached as a PDF)
Explore: Check out a cool historical artifact at:
Write: Interview an older family member and ask her/him what advice she/he would give to you to help you guide your life right now.  Record that advice. 

This week's personal history writing comes from Ashley Millett of the Discovery Park Ward.  The prompt invited you to write about a time when you have heard the voice of the Lord, as the Nephites did in 3 Nephi 11.  Ashley heard the Lord's voice through reading the scriptures.  Thank you for sharing your experience Ashley!

This weekend all my kids were sick. My little 7 month old was miserable with an ear infection. It was the weekend and all after hours were closed at the time. I was reading the scriptures and the distinct thought came to me "The Lord can heal him."  I stood up asked my husband to give him a blessing and call a neighbor to assist with the blessing. Through the screaming of my little guy, my husband was more direct than I'd ever heard him in a blessing promising healing through Priesthood power. I  again felt the reassurance that the Lord would heal him. The next day he was still grumpy but not constantly screaming and by the evening he was back to his happy self. It was small incredible mercy the Lord gave to us on late weekend night with a little baby in pain. 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Week of January 21 2017: They Did Open Their Ears to Hear It

Dear Sisters,

Follow the journey on twitter @SeattleNStakeRS!

Join the journey.  Week of January 21 2017 . . .

Read: 3 Nephi 11-12, and Our Heritage pages 93-98 (see attached PDF or contact me if you need a book!)
Write: Write about a time when you have heard the voice of the Lord.

We hope that you take the time to read in 3 Nephi this week about Christ's visit to the people of the Book of Mormon.  It is beautiful, inspiring, and bears a powerful witness of Christ.  And how is your personal history?  If you haven't tried writing yet, this is a great week to start.  

We have two beautiful reflections today.   The first is from Patricia Bernasconi of the Discovery Park ward.  Her reflection comes from the prompt to write about feeling challenged for holding on to faith.  Thank you Patricia!

In today's world we live in, our faith is challenged everyday, with choices we can make. Peer pressure can cause us to rethink our faith.  Ask ourselves questions like.... Is this really necessary....going to church? keeping word of wisdom?  studying scriptures? Being temple worthy?
If we want to stay strong and inspired then these things are necessary. For us to have a relationship with our Heavenly Father, who only want happiness for us.
In Helaman ch. 16 v 15. The Nephites  and Lamanites  began to depend on their own strength and their own wisdom  and (vs 17 ) began to reason and contend one with the
I am mindful that this "hardening of the heart "can happen to any of us.  So when my faith is challenged I remind myself of Helaman  ch 16  v 15.

The second is from Lisa Moncur, also of the Discovery Park ward, responding to this week's prompt to write about a significant birthday.  Thank you Lisa!

In my family, birthdays were a big deal. Most of the time it consisted of lots of small things that made me feel special like: getting to eat all your meals on the “Today is your special day!” plate, getting to choose what (or where) the family ate for dinner, waking up in the morning to see a pile of presents waiting for you on the table, and--perhaps the most memorable--seeing how my mom decorated the cake. Each cake was detailed with whatever was happening in my life. I still remember the cake with a doll in the middle that was decorated to look like the cake was part of her dress, the sledding-hill-shaped cake with little lego guys going down the cake on gummy lifesavers (that year I had a sledding party for my birthday), and the cake shaped like a girl’s head with real earrings stuck into the ears (I pierced my ears for my birthday that year).

Another birthday that stuck out to me was the year that my husband (my boyfriend at the time) set up a celebration he called “12 Days of Lisa.” He contacted my closest friends and family members to each take a day of the twelve to write me a little note and do something for me or give me a small gift. I received everything from a picture frame to a bowl of soup and crackers (I was sick that day) to a decorated room with balloons and streamers. All of the gifts or acts of service I received in those twelve days were small but thoughtful and I have kept them (along with the notes that people gave me) because they meant so much to me.

As I have pondered on what made these things so special to me, I realized that none of these things were necessarily extravagant or expensive. It was simply the people around me doing things to show how much they care about me. I feel so grateful to have wonderful people in my life that do those “small and simple things” (Alma 37:6) to help remind me that no matter how hard life can be, there are people around who love me and remind me how much my Heavenly Father loves me.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Week of January 15 2017: Greater Signs and Greater Miracles

Dear Sisters,

Follow the journey on twitter @SeattleNStakeRS

Join the journey!  Week of January 15 2017:

Read: 3 Nephi 1, 8 and Our Heritage pages 88-91 (see attached PDF of Our Heritage)

Explore: The Longest-Standing Relief Society?  Read about the early and enduring Relief Society in Tahiti!

Write: Write about an important birthday you have celebrated.  Why was that birthday or celebration important to you? 

This week we continue our exploration of what it means to be a member, leader, and ensign to the nations in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Thank you for your shining examples!

With love,

Your Stake Relief Society Presidency

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Week of January 7 2017: An Ensign to the Nations

Dear Sisters,

Join the Journey!  Follow on Twitter: @SattleNStakeRS

Week of January 7 2017
Read: Helaman 15-16 and Our Heritage pages 81-86 (PDF attached)
Write: In Helaman 16, we read that some Nephites declare that “it is not reasonable that such a being as a Christ shall come.”  Do you ever feel challenged for holding to your faith?  How do you remain strong and inspired? 

We hope that you had an exhilarating first week of the new year!  As you think about goals for this year, we hope that you will consider taking a small amount of time each day to read The Book of Mormon and reflect on  your personal life story.  Our reading and writing journey will continue until April General Conference, and we promise that your life will be changed if you take this opportunity!

This week we read about becoming an "ensign to the nations," and we invite you to reflect on the way you serve as a strength and a beacon to your family and community.  We know that you shine a light to the world every day!

This week's personal story was written by Jenni Currit, from the Discovery Park ward.  Thank you Jenni for your thoughtful reflection!

Prompt:  Write about a time when you received guidance or a warning from someone you trust. How did that guidance or warning help you in your life?

The prompt and readings this week took me all over the place in my thoughts as I pondered times when I have received much appreciated advice and guidance from parents, prophets, friends and teachers. One experience stands out to me as something of a parable. 

Several years ago my husband and I had finally finished school and scraped together enough cash to buy a home. We met with 2 different real estate agents in an attempt to find someone to help us with this dream. The first came highly recommended and had years of experience in the area we were looking. But he came with bad news. In our meeting he said he would be willing to show us houses but that he was watching trends closely and he thought that there were serious indications that the market was about to take a serious downturn and he recommended that someone as vulnerable as we were would be wise to wait to buy a house for a few more years to see what happened to the market. We were of course excited about the prospect of owning a house and the general feeling around us did not agree with his dire predictions. So we turned to another agent who came to our house wearing a flashy watch and driving a fancy car and he sat down and told us exactly what we wanted to hear. In fact--not only should we buy a house with a conservative loan but we should leverage ourselves as much as possible and buy as big as possible--or maybe even 2 homes! We would become rich in less than a year. Now, that's more like it! But we couldn't get the other agent's warning out of our minds so we went to the websites and researched what he had given us and looked carefully at our personal situation and in the end decided to put off buying a house. Of course within the year the bubble on the housing market burst and the great recession began. The following years were particularly rough on my husband's industry and we proceeded to eat through all of that savings we had set aside for the house. But, oh how grateful we were for that advice we received from a wise agent who knew the markets better than we did. And, how grateful we were to have taken his advice. It put off our dream of owning a home for more than 7 years, but in those years we were blessed with stability, more children and wonderful friends every step of the way. It wasn't the dream we had but it was even better, given the greater forces at work around us. 

As I read this week in Helaman 13 about true prophets and false prophets who will say "walk after the pride of your eyes, and do whatsoever your heart desireth" (v27) I find myself grateful for prophets who may not tell us what we want to hear and may defer the dreams we have, but who see the greater forces at work in the world and who are able to keep our priorities and perspectives true and in line with the Lord's greater plan for us.

Have a wonderful week sisters!

Marni Campbell, Theresa Roth, Michelle Quinn, & Jenni Currit
Your Stake Relief Society Presidency